Tips for Lowering Your Electric Bill

Say Good-Bye to higher electrical Bills. Here are a few tips that will help you to reduce your electrical bill. Install a water heater timer and set it to a specific position that you need. Replace your regular night lights with the LED that costs less than the regular lights.

Use a smart stripe surge protector that automatically turns off the power that is not in use. Install motion sensors inside and outside of your home to make sure that the lights only turn on when they are needed. Turn off your stove and oven before the food is done and clean your refrigerator coil while performing maintenance and freeze once every three months to optimize its efficiency.

Whenever you plan to replace your water heater you should consider a tankless water heater (also known as an on-demand water heater) that can cut your hot water energy cost by half. It is very important to clean your dryer lint trap by removing the dryer lint from the trap that can maximize the efficiency of the system. Use soapy water for scrubbing and brushing after every three months to remove any additional lint trapped in the screen.

The best way to reduce the amount of extreme billing is by keeping your second refrigerator in the basement, not the garage, The intense heat in your garage will make your refrigerator to work harder so if you have a choice, it would be good to place your second refrigerator (or freezer) in the basement, where the temperature is more constant Clean your refrigerator coil to improve its performance on your refrigerator and freezer once every three months to optimize its efficiency.

Contact an HVAC contractor to install a programmable thermostat that will run less while you are working or sleeping.

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